Captures the trials and tribulations of the world famous Skidmarks 5-a-side team

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Come on France!!!

Good day ladies!

Long time no type! Hope you Skidmarks out there aren’t having withdrawal symptoms from 5-a-side but the World Cup should be keeping you company for now…hands up who dislikes those dirty dirty Porro’s(except you Fern, u r a hot bitch) or to be more precise Christiano Ronaldo!!!

I cannot wait until Wayne Rooney – and I quote – “breaks him in two”…either him or Stevey G is bound to do it sooner or later, hopefully they’ll do a Roy Keane ala Alfe Inge Haaland...see pic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Yes we English and us Hatfields are bad losers but lets be honest here, that was never a red card…in fact I feel a poll coming on(fern u can only vote once)…when has anyone been sent of for “pushing” a player on the arm…and when I say “push” I mean he pushed him about as hard as a marshmallow!

And as usual Ronaldo was there trying to get Rooney sent of for a “stamp”, the only reason Carvalho got his crown jewels damaged was because he was busy fouling Rooney, and Rooney tried to stay on his feet, unlike Ronaldo who would have been rolling round on the floor as if shot by a sniper in the crowd! I hope Ronaldo stays at Man U and Ruud “The Horse” Van Nistelrooy and Wayne “Street Fighter” Rooney tag team him in training.

Enough about that then, come on France I suppose, we could always support the Germans but then again…..”2 World Wars and 1 World Cup”….”My granddad shot your granddad…doo daa doo daaa”(sorry Dom and Herbert…Damn y do we have so many foreigners in our team, we are like Arsenal), but I do like the way the germans play. As long as neither of the greasy diving teams get into the final I am as happy as a puppy at suppertime.

Here is a clip of our impromptu game of “possession football’ at the Engen near Hartebeespoort … and we won…those petrol attendants didn’t know what had hit them, what with Gary “Super fast stepover” Hatfield, Mike “Pirouette” Sarakis, Graeme “My rib is f@cked” Arsenal and Luke “Mad Skillz” Hatfield…..Stuart “Lion Walk” Loftus didn’t contribute much….”Lion Walk” with be explained in a future episode!

Footy Lesson

And Mike "I dance like a girl" Sarakis

Dance like a lady

Dance like a lady part 2

Dance like a lady part 3


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